‘The Good Neighbors Abu Tor/Al-Thuri Project’ was established to reduce tension between Palestinians and Israelis along the seam of East and West Jerusalem, and create a model for positive Israeli-Palestinian relations, based on shared interests and a mixed community. The project specifically targets the 5000 Jewish and Palestinian residents living adjacent to each other on the seam between East and West Jerusalem. The different languages, cultures, religion and ideological divides severely limited social interactions led to misunderstandings. The actions of the Good Neighbors Project over the past several years has led to a dramatic improvement in the situation.
FCT Network fund’s objectives for this crowdfunding campaign are:
1. To provide 4 off-the-field events for 70 boys of 3 mixed soccer teams together with their parents and siblings – about 200 people.
2. To fund 6 classes of conversational Hebrew/Arabic for 50 Palestinian and Jewish residents, for our twice weekly Language Exchange Café for 150 participants including teachers, educational materials and venue rental.
3. To furnish the Tri-lingual Street Library for Jewish and Palestinian families and enable 4 cross cultural events in the public park next to the library.
4. To provide a coordinator, phone application developer, educational materials, room rental and publicity for “Abu Job”, which addresses the recent economic crisis by creating a local platform for promoting local services and by establishing a women’s entrepreneurship small business incubator.
5. To provide tours and materials about the project to visiting groups of Israelis and Palestinians, journalists and tourists, politicians and decision makers in order to disseminate this model of shared community.