“Chris Yates(Police Service of Northern Ireland)“"You cannot take our model for working and simply drop it in your own city ... (yet) I have been a police officer for 20 years, with a mass of experience that I would like to share some practical examples of how we deliver policing to the community."”
“Pastor James Wuye and Imam Muhammad AshafaMuslim-Christian Interfaith Mediation Centre“"Our centre has been in existence for 16 years, building community bridges, resulting in 'safe spots' in Kaduna City; this model was shared with Eldoret, Kenya, and brought together its divided communities."”
“Hasan Turan Bauhalddin SaeedKirkuk Provincial Council“"Kirkuk is a city in transition; the rebuilding of Kirkuk and Iraq as a whole can only happen through the promotion of mutual respect, compassion and peace...Kurds, Turkmen, Arabs and Christians live together in the city, and brotherhood is promoted among all."”
“Lorraine DennisBelfast City Council“"Belfast City Council could not do any of its Good Relations community work without the excellent partnership among the public, private and voluntary sectors, which has been central to conflict transformation in the city."”
“Fathi MarshoodSHATIL“"My organisation's SHATIL project of Haifa as a Model City of Joint Living works to transform Haifa into a shared city based on partnership, respecting all residents and strengthening a mutual sense of ownership...I had the privilege of sharing the lessons and challenges of this project with fellow members of the Forum."”
“Chris YatesPolice Service of Northern Ireland“"You cannot take our model for working and simply drop it in your own city ... (yet) I have been a police officer for 20 years, with a mass of experience that I would like to share some practical examples of how we deliver policing to the community."”